For more than 80 years, the Mining Association of Manitoba Inc. (MAMI) has been the recognized voice of Manitoba’s mining industry.
As a non-government, non-profit trade association, MAMI represents the collective interests of the mining industry of Manitoba through a collaborative approach towards the advancement of the industry for our member firms, with governments, First Nations, other key stakeholders, and the public.
Our History
Our history details a legacy of consultation, collaboration, advocacy and education with and for these stakeholders to address issues, promote economic development and address concerns to improve Manitoba’s regulatory environment for the mining sector.
Now amalgamated with MAMI, The Mines Accident Prevention Association of Manitoba (MAPAM) was founded to meet the increasing need for safety and to provide consulting services to the rapidly expanding mining industry. As such, safety and high regulatory standards remain at the forefront of Manitoba’s mining operations.
Today, this dynamic and well supported organization is focused on our members’ shared goals to ensure we represent the interests of the entire mining industry. Creating certainty for Manitobans and industry stakeholders helps ensure we realize Manitoba’s unlimited mining potential.

Few realize that Manitoba is in a strong position to contribute and benefit from the global shift towards a greener future, with a number of global leaders in mining already invested in our province.
The mining industry in Canada has some of the highest environmental and sustainability standards in the world, and as industry leaders, Manitoba’s operating mines have already realized or are committed to achieving low carbon production standards within the short term.
Manitoba’s mining sector has enormous potential beyond even that of our neighbors. The world is in desperate need of both clean energy and the means to securely store and distribute it. Establishing an environment that allows the mining sector here to reach its potential and pairing this with our province’s sustainable and low carbon energy sector, will provide the secure future Manitoba needs.
Recognizing mining’s contributions to our high standard of living, MAMI works proactively and collaboratively with government and community leaders to ensure the industry here has the support and certainty it needs to enable Manitoba to become a key player in the globally emerging low carbon economy.
Another key goal of MAMI is to reshape perspectives on and about mining. We will achieve this through ongoing engagement and collaboration with industry members, government, Indigenous and other stakeholders, and our communities.
It is in this way, we will continue to uncover and discover Manitoba’s vast mining potential.
All Manitobans stand to benefit from our success.
-Stacy Kennedy, Mami President