Winnipeg – This October, The Mining Association of Manitoba Inc. (MAMI) will mark the first time since it was established in 1940 that the organization’s board meeting will be chaired by a woman. In June, MAMI’s Board of Directors appointed Stacy Kennedy, Vale’s Manitoba Operations Manager Health, Safety and Operational Risk as its first ever woman President.
With more than 15 years in the mining industry, Kennedy joined Vale (formerly Inco) in 2007 and since then, has held a number of management roles including Mine Manager, interim General Manager and Chief Mine Geologist. Prior to joining Vale, she worked for the government of Newfoundland Department of Natural Resources and graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with an BSc Honors in Earth Science. Kennedy is a registered Professional Geologist with Engineers Geoscientist Manitoba.
As Co-chair and part of the host community for the Manitoba Mine Rescue Organization’s (a committee of MAMI) Provincial Mine Rescue Competition in 2022, Kennedy feels strongly that this province has tremendous potential in its people, its communities, and its mineral potential. “I am excited and humbled to serve in this new role as President of MAMI,” she said. “Manitoba’s mining industry has so much to offer, and I look forward to working together with our members and partners to increase safety, while maximizing the potential of our industry now and in the future.
Kennedy succeeds Hudbay Mineral’s Richard Trudeau, who has stepped into the role of Vice President of MAMI. “With our association in a re-building phase, Stacy brings her proven abilities as a strategic and critical thinker, balanced by her strong background in safety to her role as our President…” said Trudeau. I’m happy to pass the torch, and confident she’ll make a positive impact while contributing to our longstanding legacy of mining in Manitoba”.
MAMI’s October board meeting and member reception will be the first time the organization’s board and members have met in person in almost 3 years. More details on this event to follow.