The Mining Industry Human Resource Council (MiHR) has created an online learning module to provide free and accessible training for all to access.
According to MiHR, this training was developed in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s “Calls to Action,” specifically the TRC’s #92 call, which calls for corporations to adopt the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as framework to apply the “principals, norms, and standards to corporate policy and core operational activities involving Indigenous peoples and their lands and resources.”
Pam Marsden, Indigenous Liaison Officer for Hudbay Minerals and MAMI Indigenous Relations and Exploration Committee (IREC) co-chair said “These training modules can create a better understanding and clarity that can benefit us all, by receiving first hand knowledge of intergenerational challenges that most Indigenous peoples experience. Indigenous awareness training will and can improve relationship building with our treaty partners across all sectors in Canada.”
Developed in eight sections, the training details the history and experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada, with focus to provide learners with skills in intercultural competency, conflict resolution, human rights, and anti-racism. This includes overviews of:
- The pre-contact and contact history of Indigenous peoples in Canada,
- The legal and constitutional context in Canada, including Indigenous law and Treaties, and
- The history and legacy of residential schools and their systemic impacts

Additionally, the training explores topics related to Indigenous peoples in mining, which includes details on the relations developed between the mining industry and Indigenous communities. Further, the e-module also contains reflections and future recommendations on how the mining sector can continue to maintain and create positive and effective working opportunities and relationships with Indigenous peoples.
Neil Richardson, Director of Exploration for Hudbay Minerals and MAMI’s IREC co-chair believes this training is critical for the mining industry, since all mining and exploration is carried out in rural areas of the province. “This training will benefit the industry by providing an understanding of Indigenous history, which will help build meaningful relationships and ultimately work towards ensuring there is equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities in the corporate mining sector,” Richardson said. “Additionally, this access would help ensure that Indigenous Communities will gain long term and sustainable benefits from economic development projects.
The MiHR training module can be completed in approximately one hour, at a flexible, and self-guided pace. Register today for the free e-learning module at