Guidelines for Mineral Exploration in Manitoba

MAMI is currently redeveloping the Guidelines for Mineral Exploration in Manitoba into an online digital resource with new and updated information.

All phases in mining development must be consistent with practices that protect the environment and mitigate negative effects as much as possible. The mineral exploration guidelines for Manitoba are designed to direct all phases in mineral exploration in Manitoba towards best practices. This resource is intended to assist government, Aboriginal communities and industry in the phases of exploration including application and approval processes in a single succinct document that addresses all areas of importance.

To receive notice when the updated Guidelines will be available:

Download the current 2015 guidelines (PDF)

Manitoba Critical Mineral Strategy

The Government of Manitoba published their Manitoba’s Critical Minerals Strategy which provides a road map to accelerate the future growth of our minerals sector, and to meet the increasing demand of the critical minerals required for global energy transition technology production.

Other Government of Manitoba Resources

Manitoba Mineral Sector Profile

Mineral Commodities in Manitoba

Directory of Critical Mineral Occurrences in Manitoba

Manitoba Mining, Exploration & Geoscience, 2023-2024

GIS Map Gallery – Geographic Information System

The Mining Association of Manitoba Inc., is headquartered on Treaty 1 and we acknowledge that our members operate on Treaty territories within the Province of Manitoba and the unceded lands of the Dakota, the traditional territories of Anishinaabe, Cree, OjiCree and Dene peoples and the National Government of the Red River Métis.